Friday, December 14, 2007

Week 10,#23: Thank God This is the End!

I can't believe I made it through these 40 hours of 10 hour training credit. Ha Ha! A lot has happened along the way, but I am glad to have made it to the finish line - Finally! Okay, here goes: What have I learned and liked and disliked? I've learned that I'm not as technologically advanced as I had initially believed when I began this training odyssey.

What I liked most and found somewhat useful were: LibraryThings {which I've actually been using to track my book-reading progress} and Zoho Writer {which would save me on a lot of jump drive expenses}. I suppose I also enjoyed Flicker as well.

What I didn't like and found a bit irritating was Library Elf. I am already tired of getting all the e-mail notifications. I receive more from the Elf than I do from HCPL.

Over all it has been an interesting learning experience. ---The End---

Week 9,#22:Downloadable Media

I preferred the library's downloadable media OverDrive than the others I visited, like LibriVox. I managed to reserve an audiobook entitled 10 Secrets For Success and Inner Peace by Wayne dyer. I may make use of OverDrive using my MP3 Player.

Week 9,#21: Podcasts

Podcasts are a waste of time and space. I wasn't impressed with any of the sites ( or I did find some library podcasts like Library Geek and others, but thought of them as nothing more than a good nap while listening to them.

Week 9,#20: YouTube

The YouTube video I chose was a re-edited clip of That's My Purse from King of the Hill, which is one of my favorite tv shows. I wasn't that impressed with the other videos on YouTube. I'm not really a YouTube fan. I'm not really sure I would support the use of a site like YouTube for library purposes. That's just my opinion...

Friday, December 7, 2007

Week 8,#19: Zoho Writer Comments



    I am very impressed with Zoho Writer. It is very useful for a student like myself. I use USB drives to save my documents because I go from school computers to my home computer to my laptop quite frequently. I think Zoho Writer is a lovely idea and will come in handy for me.

Week 8,#18: Social Networking

I am not really a social networker. I do have a Yahoo!360 page though, which I stumbled upon accidentally. I really use it to just post my thoughts and ideas about certain things, but not much more. MySpace has never really interested me since I've heard about different scamming and stalking situations that go on there. But if anyone would like to visit my Yahoo!360 page, be my guest and drop me a line anytime. I am verjentho on Yahoo!360.

Week 7,#17: Blog About Technology

So far I have enjoyed the LibraryThings website. I have started adding more of the books I've read to my book list. It has actually given me even more initiative to read, read, read all I can before the year ends. I'm actually curious to see how many more books I will add to my library by the end of 2008.

Friday, November 30, 2007

Week 7, #16: Wiki

I've been an avid Wikipedia user for a while now and I think it is a great way to share information. I was able to blog some library favorites under books and movies. I think history sharing and poetry sharing would be a wonderful addition to library wikis.

Week 6 #15: Library 2.0

In reviewing the different opinions of the articles about Library 2.0 & Web 2.0, I found that each individual's contributions were valid to some degree. However, it is my belief that library services, although constantly evolving, will need to retain its human-to-human interaction as well.

Friday, November 16, 2007

Week 6, #14: Technorati

I visited the Technorati site and found its objectives interesting. Although I did not join, I think it is a vast resource for those enthusiastic about monitoring the blogsphere.

Week 6, #13

I registered at and looked around, but I was unimpressed. I guess maybe because I really have no real use for it personally.

Week 5, #12: Library Elf

I signed up with library elf, but I didn't think there was anything special about it since HCPL already offers this feature with your account (excluding of course the cellphone notification).

Friday, October 26, 2007

Week 5,#11: LibraryThing

I really liked LibraryThing because it is a good way of keeping track of what you've read. I'd been using Excel to keep track of what I've read, but now I can use LibraryThing. It's much more convenient.

Week 5, #10: Avator

I had a lot of fun learning how to use Meez. It was a very interesting endeavor into my own creativity.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Week 4,#9: Finding Feeds

It was kind of fun exploring for RSS Feeds. I found it less complicated to use than Feedster and some of the others.

Friday, October 12, 2007

Week 4: #8 RSS Feed and Newsreader

I found the RSS feed activity to be a bit tedious, but somehow I got through it. I subscribed to 1o feeds: Dilbert,, Quotes of the Day, Joke of the Day, and others. I hope that I am able to share them with anyone who is interested in reading them.

Damia (Photo Editing Week 3)

This is my new little niecy-pooh. Her mother and I have been best friends since we were 5 years old. She is my best friend's first baby and she is so adorable. I had fun doing the photo editing on this picture using Picnik.

Thursday, October 4, 2007


E B O N E e G U R L I N T H E C i R for Radio C U L T I O Dripping N W O R L D

How I learn best

The results of 's learning inventory are:
Visual/Nonverbal 26 Visual/Verbal 36 Auditory 18 Kinesthetic 28

Your primary learning style is:

The Visual/ Verbal Learning Style

You learn best when information is presented visually and in a written language format. In a classroom setting, you benefit from instructors who use the blackboard (or overhead projector) to list the essential points of a lecture, or who provide you with an outline to follow along with during lecture. You benefit from information obtained from textbooks and class notes. You tend to like to study by yourself in a quiet room. You often see information "in your mind's eye" when you are trying to remember something.

Learning Strategies for the Visual/ Verbal Learner:

To aid recall, make use of "color coding" when studying new information in your textbook or notes. Using highlighter pens, highlight different kinds of information in contrasting colors.

Write out sentences and phrases that summarize key information obtained from your textbook and lecture.

Make flashcards of vocabulary words and concepts that need to be memorized. Use highlighter pens to emphasize key points on the cards. Limit the amount of information per card so your mind can take a mental "picture" of the information.

When learning information presented in diagrams or illustrations, write out explanations for the information.

When learning mathematical or technical information, write out in sentences and key phrases your understanding of the material. When a problem involves a sequence of steps, write out in detail how to do each step.

Make use of computer word processing. Copy key information from your notes and textbook into a computer. Use the print-outs for visual review.

Before an exam, make yourself visual reminders of information that must be memorized. Make "stick it" notes containing key words and concepts and place them in highly visible places --on your mirror, notebook, car dashboard, etc..

Safety First

Practice putting safety first:

1. Never give out too much info about yourself: only people you know and trust should have access to personal information about you. (I'd never let anyone know where I live, what my bank account status is, or anything that might reveal too much of myself)

2. Everyone (especially children) should be careful to whom they are talking. It is in everyone's best interest to be discrete in their communications with others.

3. Remember, you are your own policeman.